Experienced Foundation Repair Specialists

Tag Archives: home foundation

Home Foundation Repair and Home Value: How Fixing Your Foundation Can Boost Property Resale

The foundation is the backbone of your home, providing stability and support to the entire structure. When issues arise with the home foundation, it can have a significant impact on the safety and integrity of your home which will affect its resale value. 

However, there are ways you can invest in your home foundation repair that can boost your property’s resale value: 

  1. Foundation of Property Value. Before getting into home foundation repair issues on resale value, understand the foundational role that a strong and stable foundation plays in the real estate market. Potential buyers, inspectors, and appraisers pay close attention to the structural integrity of a home. A compromised foundation raises red flags and may turn away prospective buyers.
  2. Common Foundation Issues and Effects. Several issues such as settling, cracks, or water damage. These problems can manifest in many ways, including uneven floors, doors that don’t close properly, or cracks in the walls. These issues affect the safety and livability of the home, but they also impact its perceived value in the real estate market.
  3. Boosting Curb Appeal and First Impressions. The exterior appearance of a home is a major factor in attracting buyers. Home foundation repair issues can lead to visible damage, such as cracks in the exterior walls or an uneven foundation. Investing in foundation repair, you enhance your home’s curb appeal and make a positive first impression.
  4. Increasing the Lifespan of Your Home. Prospective buyers are concerned about the long-term durability and maintenance requirements of a property. Addressing foundation issues demonstrates that you have taken proactive steps to maintain and care for your home. This assurance increases buyer confidence, as they are more likely to view the property as a sound investment with fewer unexpected maintenance costs.
  5. Enhancing the Selling Points of Your Home. A stable foundation allows for a more seamless and appealing presentation of your home’s selling points. For example, a home with a secure foundation is more likely to feature open floor plans, large windows or expansive outdoor spaces without the distraction of structural issues. 
  6. Navigating the Appraisal Process. During the home appraisal process, appraisers consider various factors, including the condition of the home’s foundation. Foundation issues can lower the home’s appraised value, affecting the amount that potential buyers can secure through financing. 
  7. Building Trust with Buyers. Buyers will feel confident in their decision when purchasing a home with a solid foundation. Documentation of recent home foundation repairs and warranties can reassure buyers that the issues have been addressed by professionals. This transparency builds trust and may make buyers more willing to pay a premium for a home with a reliable foundation.
  8. Adding Value to Your Neighborhood. The condition of your home’s foundation contributes to the overall value of your neighborhood. Homes with well-maintained foundations create a positive perception of the community, attracting buyers who are willing to invest in a neighborhood known for its well-kept properties.
  9. Choosing the Right Foundation Repair Solutions. When considering home foundation repair, work with experienced professionals to assess the specific issues affecting your home and recommend appropriate solutions. You may need underpinning, drainage improvements or crack repairs. The correct repairs can address current issues. It may also prevent future problems, adding long-term value to your investment.

Investing in home foundation repair is a strategic decision that can enhance its resale value. You can make your home more attractive to potential buyers and contribute to the overall value and desirability of your neighborhood. Don’t wait until foundation problems become a major concern; take proactive steps to secure your home’s foundation and maximize its resale potential.

M Taylor Enterprise can inspect your home foundation to see if you have any home structural issues. Call our home foundation and structural repair experts in Maryland at (301) 649-3406 or email matt@mtaylorenterprise.com. We will do a free consultation, make recommendations, and then do any needed repairs quickly and efficiently. 

We serve Montgomery County, MD, parts of Prince George’s, MD, and Howard County, MD.


Keep Your Gutters Clean or Your Home Foundation Will be Damaged

We take our gutters for granted. 

We don’t look at them very often even as leaves, twigs, and debris accumulate in our gutters. However, neglecting this seemingly small chore can have significant consequences that would need structural repair, especially when it comes to your home’s foundation. 

Gutters are an integral part of a home’s drainage system. They channel rainwater and melted snow away from the roof and the foundation of your home. Without gutters, water would run down the roof and pour directly onto the ground near the foundation. Excess moisture leads to foundation damage and other home issues.***

When gutters become clogged with debris, water cannot be redirected away from your home. Instead, water overflows from the gutters and pools around the foundation. Over time, this excess moisture can lead to several problems:

  1. Soil Erosion: Water that collects around the home foundation and erodes the soil. As the soil shifts and washes away, it can create voids and gaps beneath your home’s foundation, weakening its support.
  2. Foundation Cracks: Excess moisture can seep into your foundation, causing it to crack. As these cracks widen, they compromise the structural integrity of your home and would need structural repair.
  3. Basement and Crawl Space Flooding: When water saturates the soil around your foundation, it can find its way into your basement or crawl space. This not only damages your belongings but can also lead to mold and mildew growth.
  4. Uneven Foundation Settlement: Uneven moisture levels in the soil can cause your foundation to settle unevenly. This can result in sloping floors, cracked walls, and other structural issues.
  5. Costly Repairs: Foundation damage is not only a structural concern but also a financial one. Repairing foundation issues can be extremely costly, often requiring extensive work to stabilize and restore the foundation.

Regular gutter maintenance is the key to preventing foundation damage caused by clogged gutters. Here are some essential steps to keep your gutters clean and the home foundation protected:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Clean gutters at least twice a year, typically in the spring and fall. However, if you have overhanging trees, you may need to clean them more frequently to prevent clogs.
  2. Proper Installation: Ensure your gutters are correctly installed with a slight downward slope toward the downspouts. This helps water flow smoothly toward the drainage system.
  3. Gutter Guards: Consider installing gutter guards or screens to prevent debris from entering your gutters while allowing water to pass through. While not foolproof, they can significantly reduce the frequency of cleaning.
  4. Downspout Maintenance: Check that your downspouts are clear and unobstructed. Make sure they direct water away from your home’s foundation.
  5. Landscaping Considerations: Trim overhanging branches and vegetation near your roof to minimize the amount of debris that falls into your gutters.
  6. Professional Inspection: Periodically hire a professional to inspect your gutters for damage or signs of clogs that may not be visible from the ground. They can also inspect your home foundation and determine if any structural repair is needed.  

While it’s easy to underestimate the importance of clean gutters, they are a vital component of your home’s overall maintenance. By ensuring that water is properly channeled away from your foundation, you can avoid costly structural repairs and potentially devastating foundation damage. Regular gutter cleaning and maintenance are not just a matter of aesthetics; they are crucial for the long-term structural integrity and stability of your home. Don’t overlook this essential task, as it can save you a significant headache and expense down the road.

M Taylor Enterprise has an expert home structural repair team that can inspect your home to see if you have any home structural issues. Call our home foundation and structural repair experts in Maryland at (301) 649-3406 or email matt@mtaylorenterprise.com. We will do a free consultation, make recommendations, then do any needed repairs quickly and efficiently. 

We serve Montgomery County, MD, parts of Prince George’s, MD, and Howard County, MD.

*** For more information, on gutter maintenance visit the Maryland Reporter website.

Home Foundation Repair: Five Signs You May Need Mold Remediation

Your home foundation’s structural integrity is crucial for your home and your lifestyle. 

However, home foundation issues can lead to water infiltration, creating a perfect environment for mold growth. Mold damages your property and poses health risks to you and your family. ***

So, here are five signs that indicate you may need mold remediation or home foundation repair:

  1. Persistent Musty Odor. This is one of the most common signs. A damp, earthy smell may be detected in certain areas of your home such as the basement or crawl spaces may be an indication of mold. Even if you can’t see any visible signs of mold, the odor alone suggests that there may be hidden mold colonies present, likely caused by moisture seeping through foundation cracks.
  2. Visible Mold Growth. Mold can appear as black, green, or brown patches on surfaces such as walls, ceilings, or floors. Pay close attention to areas where moisture is likely to accumulate, such as around pipes, windows, or damp basements. If you see any mold growth, it’s crucial to take immediate action to prevent it from spreading further.
  3. Water Stains or Discoloration. These stains may indicate a water intrusion problem, which leads to mold growth. These stains appear as dark patches or yellowish-brown discoloration.
  4. Allergic Reactions or Respiratory Issues. Mold spores can trigger allergic reactions and respiratory issues, particularly in individuals with sensitivities or pre-existing respiratory conditions. If you or your family members experience frequent coughing, sneezing, nasal congestion, itchy or watery eyes, or worsening asthma symptoms when spending time in certain areas of your home, it could be a result of mold growth.
  5. Cracks or Leaks in the Foundation. Leaks provide an entry point for moisture, leading to mold growth. Inspect the foundation walls, floors, and basement for any visible cracks or signs of water infiltration. Pay attention to areas where water pools or drips, as this can create a conducive environment for mold. If you notice any foundation issues, contact a licensed home foundation repair contractor to inspect the property. 

Mold growth is a common consequence of home foundation issues, and it poses serious risks to both your property and your health. If you notice any of the signs mentioned above take immediate action. Mold remediation should be an integral part of your home foundation repair to ensure the long-term stability and safety of your property. 

Consult with a professional home foundation repair contractor and a mold remediation company to assess the extent of the problem and develop a comprehensive plan to address both the home foundation issues and mold growth. By taking proactive steps, you can protect your home, preserve its value, and safeguard the well-being of your family.

M. Taylor Enterprise can inspect your home foundation and recommend repairs, if needed to prevent future mold growth. They can also work with a mold remediation team to make sure that your foundation is sealed. Call (301) 649-3406 or email matt@mtaylorenterprise.com for a free consultation.

We serve the Montgomery County, Maryland area.

*** You can find out more about mold and the health hazards it poses at the Health Line website.

Should You Buy A Home With Structural Repair Issues?

Realtors in Maryland, Washington, DC, and Northern Virginia are busy this time of year. People are selling and buying homes as summer is around the corner. ***  

So, if you are planning to buy a home, you may ask: Should I buy it if it has structural repair issues? It’s a good question to ask. Failure to look into this may result in costly repairs or even loss of value on your home. 

If you are interested in buying a home that needs structural repairs, here are some questions to ask: 

  1. What are the causes of the structural damage? While the home inspector has the knowledge to recognize damage in the home foundation or basement, unfortunately, most people may not easily see it. You may see cracks that may be suspicious. It may be a serious structural issue. The cracks may be caused by any number of issues which we have covered in previous blogs: the soil has washed away, clay soil that expands during wet weather and contracts during dry spells, and sinkholes. The cause of the damage determines the type of repairs. A structural engineer can inspect it and consult you on the repair(s) needed for the home. 
  2. What are the costs? The seller or seller’s realtor should give you an estimate from a home foundation repair contractor to the buyer. Be sure to check what is on the estimate. The estimate may include home stabilization, cosmetic repairs to the home exterior, interior crack repairs, doors, and windows replacement and repairs. Also, verify that there is a warranty on all repairs and materials. 
  3. Has the underlying cause of damage been resolved? If the cost of repair is only part of the damage under the home but not the real cause, then the settling is only delayed for a period of time. You will have new repair bills, which could be quite expensive, in the next few years. Have a structural engineer submit a detailed analysis of the repairs that are needed for the long-term that will prevent home foundation damage in the future. 

Purchasing a new home is probably the most significant financial decision you will make in your entire life. In 2023, the average home in the Bethesda, MD area costs $1.2 million dollars. Homes sold after 32 days on the market. *** At that listing price, imagine what foundation repairs would cost! It’s worth the time and effort. Please make sure you have the home you want to buy inspected by a structural engineer. 

M Taylor Enterprise can inspect your home foundation to see if you have any home structural issues. Call our home foundation and structural repair experts in Maryland at (301) 649-3406 or matt@mtaylorenterprise.com. We will do a free consultation, make recommendations, then do any needed repairs quickly and efficiently. 

We serve Montgomery County, MD, parts of Prince George’s, MD, and Howard County, MD.

*** For more information on the Bethesda, MD housing market, visit the Redfin website.

Protect Your Home Foundation With French Drains

Rains, snow, and ice in Central Maryland can cause flooding and water damage. ***

As we have discussed in my previous blogs, you must make sure that water is directed away from the home foundation. If water is allowed to pool around the home foundation or leaks into the basement, it can cause significant damage to the foundation, walls, and interior. It can be costly to repair. 

French Drains, which can be built around the perimeter of the home, direct water away from the home foundation. French drains, using gravity and sump pumps, remove the water and keep it away from the foundation so that it doesn’t erode the home foundation. 

Drains move water away from one area to another. A French drain is a ditch lined with gravel and a perforated pipe. It makes it easy for water to flow through the gravel and into a drainage pipe. The perforated pipe is set at a downward-sloping angle allowing gravity to work. It can also be used to prevent basement flooding and protect the home foundation from water damage. A weeping tile French drain protects the home structure against hydrostatic pressure. These weeping tile French drains are placed around the home perimeter to draw water away from the foundation.

There are three main reasons that you may want to install a French drain in your home:

  1. It redirects moisture. As mentioned earlier, the French drain uses gravity to redirect the water away from the home foundation. Water has to be removed so that it and moisture won’t weaken the concrete foundation. That water will freeze and thaw during the winter. The French drain resolves this as it can direct the moisture to another part of the yard, including the garden or yard, making it an environmentally smart method of improving the yard’s appearance. 
  2. Keeps the soil together. It prevents or mitigates soil erosion. After heavy rains, soil can erode quickly. An inefficient drainage system will not deal with erosion problems in your yard. Decay means plants will have fewer nutrients and moisture. Erosion also ruins the landscape look. French drains prevent soil erosion. It prevents water saturation and keeps a balanced moisture level in garden soil. 
  3. Barely see them. Since a French drain is underground, it can barely be seen. Pipes and gravel can be covered by grass, pavers, and pebbles. 
  4. Cost-effective. French drains can be quite affordable depending on the length of pipe needed and other installation factors. 

If you are concerned about the coming snow and ice that we see in Central Maryland, you may want to consider having French drains installed around your home. These drains will go a long way toward preserving your home foundation. 

If you want a French Drain installed, contact M. Taylor Enterprise for an inspection. We will analyze it and make recommendations. Our experienced basement waterproofing team can install it. Contact us at (301) 649-3406 for a consultation.

We serve the Montgomery County, Maryland area.

*** For more on Central Maryland weather, visit the Maryland Weather website


Seven Reasons You Should Repair Your Home Foundation in 2022

Central Maryland is usually frigid cold this time of year. Most people are staying inside until the warmer weather arrives in late March. It’s a good time to stay inside and be cozy, for sure. 

In spite of the cold, it’s a good time to put on a heavy coat, step outside, and visually inspect your home foundation. Over the past year, there may have been changes in your home foundation which may require repairs. 

So, as you inspect your home foundation, here are some reasons you may need to repair it this year:

Cracks on walls: These cracks would be obvious. They may be hairline or wide cracks. They can be seen along the walls or floors of your home.

  1. Doors or windows that won’t close all the way: If your inside doors stick out or drag at the top, or your windows won’t close or are uneven the home foundation has settled.
  2. Dank odors: Excessive wetness on floors may be due to a foundation that is settled or cracked. Moisture on the basement floor comes from water seepage in the foundation or poor drainage.
  3. Uneven Floors. Foundation issues may be evident from your floors being uneven. You will notice floorboards that are not even or tile that is loose or pilling. Basement walls are bowing: This occurs when water pressure from the outside has caused your walls to bend inward. 
  4. Sagging crawl space floors: Your crawl space should be strong and have some room to inspect. If it is sagging or bending, you are having foundation issues.  
  5. Leaning chimneys: Chimneys should never move. However, when your foundation is sinking, they begin to lean. This is not only unsightly but can be dangerous as it could fall and cause injuries or property damage.
  6. Sinking front porches and stoops: Porches begin to sink as the home foundation sinks. If there is a stoop, it will also sink. Water seepage also causes this issue.  
  7. Overall water intrusion or damage: Water makes its way into many places in a home when the home foundation is settling. It may pool in drains, sunken spots in the flooring, basement floors, and other locations. This pooling of water may also draw insects such as mosquitos. 

If you have seen one or any number of these home foundation red flags, you need to contact an experienced home foundation repair contractor for a consultation. Failure to correct or repair these home foundation issues may have the “Domino Effect” as it may lead to other property damage. Please don’t delay!

M Taylor Enterprise can inspect your home foundation to see if you have any basement waterproofing issues. Call our home foundation and structural repair experts in Maryland at (301) 649-3406 or matt@mtaylorenterprise.com. We will do a free consultation, make recommendations then do any needed repairs done quickly and efficiently. We serve Montgomery County, MD, parts of Prince Georges, MD and Howard County, MD.

Proper Grading Around the House to Prevent Basement Flooding

Keeping your basement dry during the winter months, even as snow, ice, and rain slam Central Maryland, can be a challenge. *** You want to keep all of that drainage from pooling around your home foundation and leaking into your basement.

So, here are some tips for proper grading around your home foundation so you won’t fear those coming storms this winter: 

  1. Create trenches and French Drains: One way is to have a dry creek bed in the middle of the yard filled with river rock and sloping away from the house. Some new homes have French Drains or perimeter drains installed. These trenches run along the perimeter of the home foundation and are lined with tile and rock. These trenches and drains work great to direct the water flow away from the house, usually with PVC pipe, that lower the water table. Installing a drainage system, however, is not a simple project. A small part of the yard must be dug up before the system is installed. A home foundation contractor is highly recommended to do this task.
  2. Rain Barrels: These stop water from seeping into the home foundation. They also allow you to water the garden or lawn without turning on the water hose. The barrels have to be emptied fairly often, depending on how much snow and rain we get. Rain barrels have a spigot, so they can be connected to a hose to divert the water away from the house. 
  3. Check the downspouts: Often, a home’s downspouts can get pushed askew. However, if the spouts are not directed, the water will pool close to the home foundation. Downspouts need to be repositioned and also have a drainage area where the downspouts flow. The downspouts need to be filled with gravel or river rock. The rocks slow the water absorption into the ground.
  4. Clean the gutters: Begin this year by cleaning your gutters. During the fall, gutters may back up with leaves, dirt, branches, dead animals, and other debris. Soon, they spill over, sending water down to the pool along the foundation. Many homeowners clean their gutters using a ladder and a vacuum. Climbing a ladder, however, may seem like a scary idea so, have a gutter cleaning company do it. It typically takes a couple of hours and costs a few hundred dollars for an average home. 
  5. New perimeter grading around the footprint of the house: Redirecting the downspout extension pipes away from the house is important. A clay-based soil sheds water best.
  6. Plant a Rain Garden: It’s winter as I write this blog, so you may want to wait until spring to do this one. Rain gardens are lower areas of the yard that allow water to run off the lawn and away from the foundation. They are typically planted toward the edge, between the yard and the street. Low-maintenance plants will control erosion and slow how much water is absorbed into the ground. 

Some of these modifications you can do on your own. A few others may require professionals to install or clean. Now is the time to get it done before the next snowstorm or heavy rain so you can protect your home and save on expensive home foundation repairs and basement cleanup.

M Taylor Enterprise can inspect your home foundation to see if you have any basement waterproofing issues. Call our home foundation and structural repair experts in Maryland at (301) 649-3406 or matt@mtaylorenterprise.com. We will do a free consultation, make recommendations then do any needed repairs done quickly and efficiently. We serve the Montgomery County, parts of Prince Georges and Howard Counties.

*** For more information on Maryland weather, visit the Weather Atlas website

An Inspection Checklist for Your Home Foundation for 2022

Christmas is only a few days away. You have probably used a checklist for the presents you want to get or have gotten already.

But, when it comes to your home foundation, have you created an inspection checklist? Leave it to the home foundation repair contractor to think of that! 

Anyway, as the New Year arrives, it’s a good time to take fifteen minutes out of your day off to inspect your home foundation. Here are some things you should look for:

  1. Walk around the exterior of your home: Inspect the foundation walls by looking up and down from one end. See if any areas bulge or lean. This may indicate an uneven load on the foundation as both the foundation walls and home walls should be flush and level. See if there are any water stains or cracks in the concrete. Pools of water can cause the soil to shift and wood to rot. This means that there may be broken pipes in the home. Horizontal cracks also may indicate stress on the foundation. 
  2. Walk around the interior of your home: Inspect for any cracks or separations. Look for bulges in the walls. See if any walls are leaning or if they are out of place due to shifting foundations. See if the floors are sloping over the length of the home when there are larger soil shifts. Roll a tennis ball or basketball to see if it rolls when placed on the floor.
  3. Inspect doors and windows: If they open and close without a struggle, you should be okay. If your home foundation is shifting, windows and doors will often begin to have difficulty opening or closing. They will jam shut or cannot be opened. 
  4. Inspect your water pipes: Check the pipes inside and outside your home for leaks and moisture. 
  5. Look at the home foundation: Inspect closely the concrete, or helical piers should not be unstable. Make sure they are level, not buckling and in good condition. Look for rust, which shows that there is moisture in the basement or crawl space. 

If you have found cracks, stains or moisture, you may have a home foundation problem. Consult with a home foundation repair contractor right away. Failure to do so now, may cost your much more in the near future. Make the New Year Resolution to repair your home foundation to protect your family and investment! 

M Taylor Enterprise can inspect your home foundation to see if you have any basement waterproofing issues. Call our home foundation and structural repair experts in Maryland at (301) 649-3406 or matt@mtaylorenterprise.com. We will do a free consultation, make recommendations then do any needed repairs done quickly and efficiently. We serve Montgomery County, parts of Prince Georges and Howard Counties.

Concrete Repair 101: How you repair a concrete home foundation

As we have discussed in this blog many times, it is common to have structural damage in your home’s foundation. *** It may be an older home or a newer home. It doesn’t matter as damage from aging, weather or even poor workmanship can occur and the need to repair the concrete is immediate to protect it from further damage. 

So, if you see cracks in the interior or exterior walls, you have home foundation damage. Other signs include uneven floors in the garage or basement. Windows that do open or close properly or there are gaps between the doors and door frames. (This includes garage doors.)

We have several methods to repair your concrete home foundation. Those methods include:

  1. Helical  pier underpinning 

  2. Carbon fiber straps

  3. House Underpinning: with  concrete

  4. Steel pilaster bracing

One or all of these concrete home foundation repairs can be made. It depends on what your home foundation repair contractor recommends based on the construction of your home, total concrete damage, and type of soil. We recommend you call a licensed, experienced home foundation repair contractor for a thorough consultation.

M Taylor Enterprise can inspect your home foundation to see if you have any basement waterproofing issues. Call our home foundation and structural repair experts in Maryland at (301) 649-3406 or matt@mtaylorenterprise.com. We will do a free consultation, make recommendations then do any needed repairs done quickly and efficiently. We serve the  Montgomery County, parts of Prince Georges and Howard Counties.

*** Please refer to an earlier blog about home foundation repair here


All Clogged Up: How gutters affect your basement waterproofing

It’s fall and the big question is: Have you cleaned your gutters, yet?

If you said ‘no’, and you have a basement, then this blog is for you. Even though gutters may be overlooked when homeowners think about maintenance, they should actually be on the priority list!

Gutters catch water and rain and send it to a downspout and away from your home. They serve a purpose in keeping water from collecting and ponding around your home foundation.

Unfortunately, gutters can also be a catch-all for debris and other items. Leaves, nuts, branches, and dead animals (birds, mice, squirrels, etc.) clog gutters this time of year. If you have trees near your home, you have double the risk of your gutters getting clogged.

So, when gutters get clogged, rainwater pools around the home’s foundation. If this is not corrected, several things may occur:

  1. Water seeps into the basement, causing mold to grow.
  2. The soil around the foundation erodes and causes the foundation to settle.
  3. The home foundation begins cracking and bowing.

You can avoid costly home foundation repairs by doing the following:

  1. Clean the gutters: Get a ladder and reach into the gutters and clean them out.
  2. Add a gutter guard or similar block over your gutters. These will keep debris and leaves out of your gutter. Guards block the gutters and keep them clean year-round. They should, however, be cleaned at least twice a year.
  3. Hire a professional gutter cleaner. Gutter cleaning can be dangerous as you have to climb a ladder and do the work in precarious spots around the house. Instead, have a professional gutter cleaning company clean your gutters. They not only clean the gutters, but they blow them dry and replace the gutter guards if you have them.
  4. Seal the gutter leaks: Once your gutters have been cleaned, examine them for small holes or leaks. If you find any leaks or holes, seal them with a special gutter caulking compound. Popular compounds such as butyl rubber caulk are used. Spread the caulking compound evenly over any holes or leaks using a butter knife.
  5. Direct water runoff away from your home foundation: Have a roofing contractor examine your roof to see if water is collecting there and then leaking into your foundation.
  6. Repair the clogged downspouts: Check the bottom of your downspout and make sure it isn’t blocked. If it is blocked, you may be able to use a leaf blower or wet-dry vacuum to blow it out. If you are not sure how to do this effectively, have a professional do it for you.

Fall is here, and leaves are falling heavy now in Central Maryland. So, clean your gutters now before they get too clogged and cause damage to your home’s foundation. Save money and stress!

M Taylor Enterprise can inspect your home foundation to see if you have any basement waterproofing issues. Call our home foundation and structural repair experts in Maryland at (301) 649-3406 or matt@mtaylorenterprise.com. We will do a free consultation, make recommendations then do any needed repairs done quickly and efficiently. We serve the Montgomery County, parts of Prince Georges and Howard Counties.