Experienced Foundation Repair Specialists

Kevlar What?: Kevlar Straps and How They Work

foundation repair workerWhen you hear the word “Kevlar”, it conjures up a lot of thoughts. This new, durable and commonly-used material is found in many everyday products. In fact, you’d be surprised how much you depend on Kevlar.

Kevlar is found in everything from body armor to bicycle tires to ping pong paddles to even cell phones! The US Military uses it in battle and you use it every time you pick up your mobile phone.

But, did you also know that Kevlar is used in your home? Yes, they are known as “Kevlar Straps” and they can perform a major repair for your home.

When soil pressure fractures a block or concrete foundation wall, it causes bowing. Thus, the home’s foundation needs to be stabilized. Left unresolved, the horizontal or vertical cracks in the foundation or basement will greatly reduce the value of the home. They must be repaired.

A licensed building or construction contractor can install a Kevlar (carbon fiber) grid to prevent any more movement to the wall.The wall is prepared via a dustless  grinding system, and the Kevlar strap is epoxied to the wall with a wet lay up method. It lays flat against the wall. Following a paint job, you may not even see it.

Kevlar Straps don’t deteriorate, either. No rust. No collapse.

The advantages to using Kevlar Straps are quite numerous:

  • No drilling into your foundation or basement walls.
  • Usually take only one day to install.
  • No digging.
  • No heavy steel to install.
  • Straps will conform to the walls.
  • It is a permanent repair.

Home repair technology is quite advanced now and Kevlar Straps are one of the great advantages of 21st Century home ownership. Your contractor comes in, installs the straps, then paints over them and then it’s done!

If you suspect your home is in need of Kevlar Straps, contact our licensed building experts at M Taylor Enterprise. We have done thousands of repairs in the Montgomery County, Howard County, and  Prince George’s County, Maryland area. Call us at (301) 649-3406 or matt@matttaylorenterprise.com for a free consultation.

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