Experienced Foundation Repair Specialists
helical piers home foundation cracked M Taylor Enterprise

How Helical Pier Technology Can Be Environmentally Friendly

As we have covered in a previous blog, helical piers are galvanized steel shafts with helical plates. Helical piers are used, mainly, to strengthen damaged or weakened home foundations. They are vertically installed by a home foundation repair contractor. Installation is done fairly quickly, usually within a few hours.

What is not generally known is that helical piers are good for the environment. Here are a few reasons:

  1. Home foundation repair contractors use hydraulics to screw the piers into place, instead of digging deep into the ground around the foundation.
  2. Quick installation also means that there is little need, if any, to dampen the construction vibration.
  3. Soil does not have to be broken to install them.
  4. They are made of galvanized steel, so they do not rust.
  5. They can be removed easily, without any harm to the environment.
  6. No heavy machinery is needed for installation. So there is no fleet of trucks using fuel or expelling exhaust.
  7. Screw piles can be installed, and left in place for many years. Then they are removed and reused at another site. So, there is little impact on the original location. 
  8. They are very easy to transport and install. So, they save money for architects, contractors, structural engineers, and builders. Les people are visiting the site. 
  9. There is less of a mess and project cleanup. So, there is less refuse going to public dumps that will sit there for many years.
  10.  No maintenance or upkeep is required. So, fewer visits to the home to check on it means less fuel used. 
  11.  Helical piers are also reusable, recyclable, and transferable. 

As you can see, not only are helical piers efficient, durable, and cost-effective, they are good for the environment. If you think your home foundation is in need of repair, call a repair contractor to do an inspection and analysis. As we have said, it is better to get it repaired now than later, at a higher cost. 

If you being kind to the environment is important to you, helical piers accomplish that goal!  

When getting your home foundation repaired, make sure you get a home foundation repair contractor who can do it accurately. When helical piers are properly installed, handheld equipment is used. This allows the customer to see the amount of resistance and torque that is being used. It also shows when to stop the digging. 

M Taylor Enterprise installs both helical piers and helical tiebacks. Call our experienced engineers for a consultation. We will analyze your home foundation issue and efficiently repair it. Call (301) 649-3406 or email us at matt@mtaylorenterprise.com. We serve the Prince George’s, Howard, and Montgomery County, MD area.

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